Casa Editora Abril, the private micro-enterprise Dofleini Software and Cuba’s telecommunications company ETECSA join forces. The result is a virtual store.

The idea has been sailing for a year; step by step the inadequacies were adjusted; the strengths were perfected and the dreams to be fulfilled were outlined.  We were motivated by the growing acceptance of digital books, the scarcity of paper, the advantage of e-commerce and the possibility of reaching more diverse audiences.

Reaching out with two payment gateways available in Cuba: Enzona and Trasfermovil, not only digital books but also “physical” books.  In a world that is fully into e-commerce, the purpose was not for compraenlinea to be just another alternative.

We found the right allies, a possibility of improvements, on which we are already working and that will be supported by the Abril/Dofleini/Etecsa integration.  It is NOT only having someone to develop the site, requesting the domain, knowing the know-how; it is not only technological innovation, but also commercial innovation.

It is shortening the time between the client’s desire to create the virtual store and the moment of having it operational as they thought it would be.  An advantage: is unlike any other, supported by simple drag/drop/double-click operations, which can be operated by the administrator himself.

It is a Cuban platform, developed by Cubans, robust, reliable, with free technologies, capable of assuming international platforms and in the near future the acceptance of digital currencies.

Today we will be focused on the on-line sale of digital and “physical” books, but we are on our way to the commercialization of print-on-demand books.  We intend to sell our six magazines: Zunzún, Pionero, Somos Jóvenes, Alma Mater, Juventud Técnica and El Caimán Barbudo in intelligent PDF format as a more immediate alternative.

Protecting our authors and the works they put under our edition is a priority. The integration of the three entities has that design.  Our purpose will be to sell digital books, including coloring books, from anywhere in the world and in any freely convertible currency.

(Synthesis of the Panel “The commercialization of the digital book in Cuba. Experiences of Abril, Etecsa and Dofleini” by directors/executives of these instances) Palacio Central de Computación – Amistad esq. a Reina, La Habana, Cuba-, 4 p.m. Monday, April 25, 2022.

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